Does hypnotherapy work? The simple answer – yes it does
It was James Braid who pioneered hypnotism in 1843 but it has roots going back to Franz Mesmer (1734-1815) who coin the term ‘mesmerism’. Over the years many studies have investigated hypnotism and today there are over 4000 studies, many from the USA, that suggest it works. In 2001, The British Psychological Society (BPS) commissioned a working group to write a formal report on hypnosis (BPS 2001). The resulting 21-page report represents a very well researched and carefully considered statement about the nature of hypnosis’ from leading researchers and clinicians. This is some of what the report had to say about the Therapeutic Effectiveness of hypnosis:
“Enough studies have now accumulated to suggest that the inclusion of hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management and treatment of a wide range of conditions and problems encountered in the practice of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy.”
“There is encouraging evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of hypnotherapeutic procedures in alleviating the symptoms of a range of complaints that fall under the heading ‘psychosomatic illness.’ These include tension headaches and migraine; asthma; gastro-intestinal complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome; warts; and possibly other skin complaints such as eczema, psoriasis and urticaria [hives].”
“There is evidence from several studies that its [hypnosis’] inclusion in a weight reduction programme may significantly enhance outcome.”
“There is convincing evidence that hypnotic procedures are effective in the management and relief of both acute and chronic pain and in assisting in the alleviation of pain, discomfort and distress due to medical and dental procedures and childbirth”.
“Hypnosis and the practice of self-hypnosis may significantly reduce general anxiety, tension and stress in a manner similar to other relaxation and self-regulation procedures.”
“Likewise, hypnotic treatment may assist in insomnia in the same way as other relaxation methods.”
Would you like to know more? Try these links
I have provided links to more detailed studies and information on various aspects of hypnotherapy which you may like to read.
- Hypnotherapy in general – click here and here
- Weight loss – click here
- Stopping smoking – click here
- Reducing anxiety – click here
- Tackling phobias – click here
Here at Heart Hypnotherapy, I use a combination of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (Cognitive & Behavioural) to give you the greatest chance of success.