Initial Consultation session (lasts 50 – 55mins)

At the agreed date/time for your first session, I will conduct a detailed Initial Consultation. During this, we will discuss where you are now and how you would like your future to be. It is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, for you to ask questions and to help you decide if hypnotherapy is right for you. I will need to ask a number of questions about your personal and health circumstances. This is followed by an explanation of how the mind works particularly in relation to the issues you bring to the session and how this is affecting you, but more importantly how we can change this for the better. During this stage, you will also discover the relationship and importance of how our thoughts affect how we feel and therefore ultimately how we behave.

During our conversation, I will help you to identify any goals or best hopes you may have and we will determine the most suitable approach for you. I will also explain the hypnotic trance. You will receive a free relaxation audio recording to listen to each night which helps to consolidate our work in the trance session

Subsequent sessions (lasts 50 – 55mins)

These are generally divided into two halves. In the first half we will undertake some talking therapy with elements from Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Techniques (CBT). This part identifies encouraging things about your week, the progress you’ve made and to help you set further goals. This discussion helps to promote positive thinking, which is beneficial to the hypnosis work which we undertake in the second half of the session.

During the hypnosis work, you will be asked to relax either in a chair or on a couch/bed. I will then speak and guide you gently into a very relaxed state, where you can enjoy resting in a dream-like trance. There your mind can ponder and reflect on the things that will have been discussed during the talking therapy. In this relaxed alert state your subconscious mind will be open to suggestions that I will provide in the format of a metaphor. Throughout this part of the session, you will be fully aware of what I am saying and you will always maintain complete control. At the end of the session you will go away feeling calm, relaxed and motivated.

Stop smoking session (lasts 115 mins2 hours)

Hypnotherapy to stop smoking is completed within one session that lasts two hours, as it does not require the same initial consultation as the other sessions. You will also receive the free audio recording to help reduce any anxiety and improve your relaxation which in turn will help keep you on track to giving up smoking for good.

I’m so grateful for everything Paddy has helped me do in such a short space of time. At first, I didn’t really understand much about hypnotherapy but Paddy made things clear and helped me understand what was going to happen at each session.
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I would 100% recommend anyone to experience these sessions with him because he helps you to see things differently. Thank you for all you have done!
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